A new Facebook group was was launched yesterday...Beating Benzos UK and this is the preamble for anybody who wishes to join......(archived for the present until further notice).
Beating Benzos UK
This group is in partnership with Beating Benzos and Beating Benzos Protracted Groups. It has been created as a satellite group for those people who are suffering from benzodiazepine withdrawal and who reside in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Its purpose is to provide support for benzodiazepine withdrawal through linking people in close proximity to each other for more personal contact as well as discussion regarding all aspects of Benzo withdrawal, either for those in the early stages or suffering after a long time. We request care is taken to always give caring and supportive answers and to avoid fearful and unproven responses. This positive ethos is maintained to ensure that members are kept hopeful of recovery. The Ashton Manual and Heather Ashton’s following updates and videos are used as the basis for any information but may be supplemented by the most recent research that takes place as well as anecdotal evidence.
Any tapering recommendations given and ensuing taper plans must be shown to your GP or prescribing medical support and used alongside their advice regarding your own health and the need to remove benzos from your system. Professional guidance should also be sought for any symptoms of concern. We are not medically qualified and can’t give medical advice. Help is based on our own knowledge from the experience of long term use of these drugs as well as in depth research and years of being involved with campaigning and helping others. Members can be given links to the nearest benzo support in their own area and hopefully to other members within that area if they wish.
On requesting membership please answer three questions to confirm your need for support in this group. Admins are Rosalind Jones and Martin Harris with updated reports on Benzos in the UK by Barry Haslam and tapering advice by David Jones. The Guidelines for Beating Benzos also apply here in this subsidiary group and should be read on joining. They are posted in the Announcements at the top of Beating Benzos UK. Please also add your own history of Benzos or Z drugs on the main page when admitted and this will become your introductory post. We hope a more local group will provide support for you as well as quick access for professionals and politicians to see the depth of the problem in their area and their country.
With Love and Support,
Rosalind Jones and Martin Harris
This group has now been disbanded and all help is available on the Facebook pages Beating Benzos and Beating Benzos Protracted Withdrawal.
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