Everything has its Time

Posted on 30th January 2015

It's now over eight weeks of the worst wave I’ve experienced throughout all this and I think the light is dawning and sunshine is finally breaking through the clouds! I don’t want to say too much at this moment as I’ve tempted fate before and found myself in darkness again. Better to enjoy the moment and rekindle the hope within me.

I’ve experienced numerous symptoms, both the return of the old and some newly arrived after two years off the drugs. It's unbelievable but I’ve documented all of it here to the best of my ability. However bad it gets it seems these intense waves have to be endured before our healing can resume and follow its course to bring us to full health.

Today I’ve had two nights with relatively calm sleep, a miracle after the insomnia, tachycardia, sweats, nightmares and restlessness of the past weeks. My reminders that I’m still in withdrawal are the return of low back pain and stiffness and a feeling of drowsiness. In myself I am more positive that I’m settling and slowly getting there. I just wish it would all remain calm and not throw me back down again. I've often wondered how it will end? I think it's just going to continue as a roller coaster ride for the moment although I hope the twists and turns and downhill plummets will become less dramatic. I will hold on and reach out to all of you still suffering. We will be well and arrive at that final destination having a much greater appreciation of life. 💖

I’m going to sign off for January and it’s horrors and look towards a new month and renewed hope. Everything passes, everything has its time. 

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