From Inside Out

Posted on 13th June 2016

I read a post this morning that wrote about how healing happens from the inside out. I do believe this may be the case in respect of my own healing. I certainly feel it dealt with all the internal stuff first, such a stomach issues, muscle pain, joint pain etc and has now turned to the skin as the final part of the journey. I've broken out in hives over the last month which itch and are extremely uncomfortable. In myself, however, I feel so much better with a clearer head and more energy plus better sleep.

If we do heal slowly from the inside out then the brain obviously has to fully heal as well. Certainly I still feel a little overreactive to stress and I still have what I now call 'low' days but things have changed a lot. My journey seems to be juddering along over this final stage. There's such a vast array of symptoms and such a difference in recovery times and recovery patterns for everyone that it's just very hard to make any statements that are for sure for everyone except the fact that we all heal in the end. I think we have to seek the best way to get through for ourselves and understand that nobody can really advise what is exactly right for us. For the moment I'm speaking to a nutritionist whom I hope can help a little over this period and I'll report back when I have some helpful advice in this area.

I should add that I did experience another wave from my last post up to about two weeks ago. It had some extremely bad days and nights and all the negativity crept back into my thinking again but most of all, 'How on earth can it be this bad so far off the drugs after 42 months?' Of course it can and I have no doubt that the worst waves come just before the end for many of us. If you're experiencing a bad wave now which you liken to the acute stage months or years ago please don't despair because this seems to be quite a common pattern.....healing is not linear.

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