The Printed Word

Posted on 11th June 2020

So many controversial opinions on Facebook, so much harm can be done with words that it makes me sad but really this is what happens in real life as well. Facebook and other social media platforms are just putting into print the reality of life. 

It’s the same in the world of Benzos. The suffering is put into print, the screams for help are made on groups, members answer with their own thoughts and do their best to help. The crux of all this is that we answer from our thinking and our experiences, then those answers get put into print on a page and can be accessed by others perhaps even years later. We don’t do this with the spoken word as this can be discarded and forgotten but not so the printed word. 

Please always be aware of what you write and whether it is likely to help or hinder someone suffering severe problems. Avoid giving any prescriptive advice, be gentle, supportive and loving, remember your words are printed on a page that perhaps thousands of people can read and these words remain on that page for many, many years if that group continues to exist. 

The printed word creates images just like reading a novel creates images in your mind. For that reason alone the words you put into print are important for they will create images in the minds of those that read them. Make sure your words are loving and kind and will do no harm.

Just some thoughts from me this morning.

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