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Tapering Methods


  1. Tapering Overview   (10 visits to this link)

    A quick guide to Benzodiazepine Tapering and the Various Tapering Methods

  2. Cut and Hold   (17 visits to this link)

    An Overview of direct benzo tapers (Cut and Hold) which involve gradually reducing the dosage of the specific benzodiazepine you are currently taking without switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine (e.g., diazepam). It is one of the methods recommended for tapering off benzodiazepines safely to minimize withdrawal symptoms and prevent adverse effects.
  3. Substitution   (7 visits to this link)

    Overview of a substitution taper involving switching from a short-acting benzodiazepine to a longer-acting one, like diazepam, to provide a smoother withdrawal process with fewer fluctuations in blood levels.

  4. Titration   (10 visits to this link)

    An overview of a titration taper which involves gradually reducing a benzodiazepine dose by dissolving it in liquid or crushing it into a fine powder to make precise, small reductions over time.

  5. COLD TURKEY!!!   (10 visits to this link)

    Info about how quitting a benzodiazepine cold turkey involves stopping use abruptly, which can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and serious risks, including seizures.

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