
Posted on 21st November 2019

This morning I’m not going to tell you’re going to be well because that’s the natural outcome of stopping Benzos. Instead I’m going to tell you not to fight the process but to see it for what it is, a brain and body reverting to normal functioning. Every symptom and every moment of pain and confusion are a process of recovery. What makes this hard to appreciate is that in doing this it can make us feel so very ill and, in our lives up until now, feeling ill or having pain has meant that there is something wrong that needs treatment. In recovery from Benzos seeking further treatment for the symptoms can actually delay the process and even make it more difficult. This is so against all our thinking and beliefs to date and such a difficult concept to appreciate.

I’m not saying take nothing else, try nothing else but in doing so always investigate whether this is going to help you or not and, of course, if you have a medical illness that needs treatment then never stop this. I am saying that you will recover and you don’t need to fight the symptoms just understand that they are bringing you to a better place. This is a challenging experience but every day you are moving closer to the grand finale and what a celebration that will be! Try and accept and surrender, seek help as necessary but don’t fight and and take up a battle stance because you will exhaust yourself. The natural outcome of every symptom you suffer is healing. 

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