Here I Am At Last! April 2023

Posted on 2nd April 2023

I want to finally update the last few months now the website has been republished so I can give hope for healing for those of you long protracted.

It gets better but most important to remember is that it can get a lot worse before it finally does this. Recovery is a haphazard process of ups and downs but it seems suffering the ‘downs’ can project us into the ‘ups’ and longer periods of stability and less sensitivities. I’ve learnt so much going through it all for so long but I still can’t fathom out why some of us can go on facing this process year after year when the benzos have been left far behind.

All I said in my last post remains true but my sleep (at the moment) seems to have returned with less wake-ups and longer periods of deep sleep. I went through a week of sudden intense symptoms that caused me to phone our NHS helpline in the middle of one night because everything became so severe. Since then all has calmed and is as it should be. I’ve persevered with an immaculate, low carb Mediterranean diet, stopped the tiny dose of Melatonin for sleep and the Propranolol for fast heart rate occasionally and also incorporated Ho’oponopono into my routine (more about this another time). Today I appear normal and well but I will reserve making that absolute final announcement of ‘SUCCESS’ until this has continued for a few more weeks.

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