World Benzo Day

Posted on 12th July 2016

A huge thank you today for the success of World Benzo Awareness Day and all it achieved towards getting recognition for these drugs.

Everyone should be very proud of all they have done to make yesterday such a  resounding  victory. Some people even did this from their beds. Too sick and agitated to function properly and yet they didn't think about themselves just tried to help on Facebook and all the different sites or on their own Blogs to spread the word.

You are all warriors and deserve some recognition. The many videos and stories are evidence of great suffering but also great hope. Thank you especially to Wayne Douglas and Barry Haslam for setting it all up and may every July 11th be as successful and help bring awareness of the damage these drugs can do to both a blinkered medical profession and their trusting patients. It takes us all working together and just putting aside what's happening in our lives, even if healed, to make our own Benzo experience count for something. Thank You warriors.

I'm doing well and apart from the irritating hives and now a bad cold all Benzo withdrawal symptoms seem to have resolved, at least for the moment! I do believe these immunity related disorders could well be a part of the healing process. My immune system now has to work alone uninhibited by benzos. It's coming back on line just as the GABA receptors have. I've not experienced a cold since sometime in my fifties so this is a bit of a shock to the system. It will pass as has everything else. 

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